Quid Pro Quo-tocols

Our paper on strengthening semi-honest protocols with dual execution is now available, and will be presented at Oakland 2012.

Private Set Intersectio...

Our NDSS 2012 paper on using generic garbled circuits to perform private set intersection is now available.


Efficient Secure Computation with Garbled Circuits summarizes our recent work on secure computation.

UVa Today Story

UVa Today has a story about our secure computation project: U.Va. Team Awarded $3 Million NSF Secure Computation Grant.

Kickoff Meeting Photos

Here are some photos of the Kickoff meeting in Charlottesville...

Kickoff Meeting

The Kickoff Meeting will be Tuesday, August 30th in Charlottesville, VA. The planned agenda is here.

GC Framework Released

Our framework enables programmers to build efficient and scalable privacy-preserving applications using garbled circuit techniques.

SMC on Smartphones

Peter Chapman presented Privacy-Preserving Applications on Smartphones at USENIX HotSec: talk slides [PDF], demo apps.